Living The Pain..

We crave for things to happen..
We crave for what we like to happen..
We crave for happiness in every moment..
We crave for love from others..
We crave for our desires to get fulfilled..
We crave for our wishes to come true..

Why expectations hurt you more..?
Why we don’t get what we want..?
Why our dreams get shattered..?
Why heart broke into pieces..?
Why we get in return for whch we never wished..?
Why we suffer for what we actually never thought of??
Why we suffer betrayals, ignorance and avoidance..?

The list is on…
The answer is one word..”LIFE
real yet harsh truth..

Isn’t painful??
Yes.. all the more next to impossible..
We choose to live it..
We choose to smile on our wounds left unhealed.!
We choose to laugh on our smashed dreams dwindled in the ray of fulfilment left unfulfilled.!
We choose to giggle on our unreciprocate feelings with all broken peices and yearnings left unconcerned.!
We choose to live the sufferings till breath..

Life is an open book with uncountable chapter.. and each chapter consist of new challenges.. aspirations.. warnings..moral..trials..warnings..cautions…and yes the “Experiences”.
Meeting up new faces at every phase of life would be again a learning whether to trust them or stick to them to hold on or to leave them…

Probably it wud’nt be the tag end..!
That would surely decide your destiny..but will not stop your life… its the same going althrough..
It teaches you at every point of your journey and gradually we learn at every step..
We learn…
From every downfall
From every heartbreaks
From every betrayls
From every disappointmnts
From every defeat
It tries to make us more stronger then before in a split seconds.. that we began to own it without even realizing..we get changed for ourselves..and for the world may be..
But it doesn’t stop here!!
We still live it..
We still live incomprehensions, ignorance, treacherousness and benightedness..

Give life chances and it will give the best of it..!

Growing up from every fall-off will define your success from every failure..!!

Your lowest point could be your highest one..
Depends how you deal with it..!

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